Surveying with fixed targets to avoid errors with a 3D scanner

L-arpentage-avec-cibles-fixes-pour-éviter-les-erreurs-avec-un-scanner-3D TDR360
L-arpentage-avec-cibles-fixes-pour-éviter-les-erreurs-avec-un-scanner-3D TDR360

In surveying, using magnetic spheres to perform field surveys can produce errors when using your survey analysis software. Here is a video showing the use of surveying software to do automatic registration based on targets and in this same video we can clearly see errors due to false positives (like people's heads) or with spheres that have moved.

Example of surveying errors linked to moving spheres

In this example, the errors are minor but the narrator makes it clear that he needs to check to make sure the survey doesn't have any major errors like extra history! Magnetic spheres can be pushed by the wind. This may interfere with sata surveying or scratch the spheres. Knowing that topographic sphere kits are expensive (over $1000) and often need to be repainted, this is an interesting problem to solve.

What to do if a scanner does not work while surveying?

Another problem that can arise is if a scanner is not working. What happens if you use regular magnetic spheres (like in the video above) to do your field survey? Well, often the professional who studies the field is different from the professional who reads and analyzes the data.

This means that if the data is wrong, the land surveyor must establish a survey station and redo the work, slowing down the process.

The Benefits of Using Fixed Topographic Targets

Using fixed survey targets eliminates the types of errors seen in the video above. Additionally, if a scanner does not work, the land surveyor can return to the location and the markers will still be present.

TDR360 offers permanent fixed survey targets for outdoor setups and temporary fixed survey targets for indoor setups like offices. In this case, everything can be removed a week or two after the work is completed to ensure everything is done correctly.

The benefits of fixed targets in surveying are obvious and that's why these are the products we manufacture and promote!

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